This holiday season brings an unexpected, yet welcomed return to tradition for sisters Stacey Humble and Kim West. The sister team, along with husbands Brad Humble and Nic West, will be making sure homes across the country continue to enjoy the homespun treats of Roberts Ferry Nut Co. this holiday season.
They have jumped straight into the thick of things marketing the company’s famous caramel popcorn and are packaging fruits and nuts in a variety of sizes as they embrace their first holiday season, not as employees, but owners of the company where they worked in their teens.
Theirs is a story almost made for the big screen, as Stacey and Kim returned to their family roots and became owners of the company (along with their spouses) in early November.
The sisters shared that returning to the town of Roberts Ferry, as well as owning a piece of the town’s history, brings with it much pride. Their family lineage dates back six generations, and now with the addition of the West children, Cole, Case and Cree, seven generations will have called the quiet, non-assuming town ‘home.’
The youngest of the three children, Cree, is named after their maternal grandmother Mabel (McMillan) Cree.
“Grandma was so very proud of her long line of roots in the community,” Kim said. “It was a source of pride for her that her grandchildren all attended Roberts Ferry Elementary School.”
Eldest sister Stacey shared Roberts Ferry Nut Co. was her first job. Recalling her experience there as ‘fun,’ she added, “I used to put the labels on the product bags and pack them. I developed a method for putting the labels on very quickly and Bill Mallory (the original owner) used to bring people in to see me putting the labels on.
“Ever since I’ve worked there, it’s been amazing to see that product in unexpected places all over the United States. I just love that it’s a piece of my home that people in so many places get to enjoy.”
“We are thrilled to return to our roots and continue the family centered service that the Mallorys instilled upon Stacey and I in our youth,” Kim said, noting that she and her sister would often be called in to help label during the hectic holiday season.
Their signature caramel popcorn is made to order. Popped fresh at the Waterford location, the popcorn is then mixed into the distinct recipe of caramel.
“Roberts Ferry has a strong foundation of high quality, handmade products,” Kim said. “We are looking forward to continuing these same great products with the family centered service our customers love.”
Kim noted that a holiday favorite of caramel popcorn drizzled with white and milk chocolate will continue to be available for customers this holiday.
“We really love that it’s still handmade,” Nic West, the new chief in charge and family member running the day to day operations, said.
“Our short term goal is to make sure our community and customers know that we’re a family business,” Stacey said, “vested in providing the kind of personalized service and handmade products that you expect when people own, operate and live in the community they do business in.”
The Roberts Ferry Nut Co. store and facility is located at 20493 Yosemite Blvd., Waterford. Store hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Merchandise may also be ordered and shipped country wide by visiting